DYO Application Form
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The next DYO course is
Saturday 5th - Wednesday 9th April 2025
Check our social media for latest news
DYO offers opportunities for musicians, aged 7 - 18, grade 2 - 8+.
On each course, our staff divide the students into various ensembles:
If you live in or around South London, then you've come to the right place for holiday music courses. DYO, established for 50 years, meets for five mornings (9.20 - 1.00) each school holiday and presents a concert on the last day. A limited number of bursaries are available - please contact our administrator for information. There are no auditions - see our recommended Playing Standards
Future courses:
Easter 2025: Saturday 5th - Wednesday 9th April (Concert, 7pm) Venue: Alleyn's School
Summer 2025: Monday 28th July - Friday 1st August (Concert, 2pm) Venue: Alleyn's School
Christmas 2025: Saturday 27th - Wednesday 31st December (Concert, 2pm) Venue: Kingsdale School
We are most fortunate to benefit from more than twenty highly professional and experienced tutors and to use the extensive facilities at our host schools. Please apply as early as possible as we do not like to turn down children.
Please email the completed application form (at the top of this page) to Admin@dyodulwich.com and pay by electronic bank transfer £200 referencing your child's name. See Apply
Please contact